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I wish I could craft the perfect inspirational message, concise, yet powerful enough to motivate anyone facing a life crisis to seek out therapeutic support for their mental health. Not every therapist is a perfect fit for every client, but I firmly believe that it’s worth the effort to find a professional who is a good match for you and your situation. Talking to someone with a trained ear is very different than sharing your stories with friends or family. Speaking with trusted loved ones can be very helpful, but if you find yourself repeating the same conversations, without changing your circumstances or how you feel, it may be that your problems are more challenging than what your community can manage at this time.

Working with a psychotherapist can be time consuming, expensive, and exhausting. Worse yet, it comes with no guarantee that you’ll actually achieve the goals and objectives you established at the start of the treatment process. Setting realistic expectations for clients might help reduce the level of surprise when problems do not immediately dissipate, or emotional pain intensifies as we uncover deep wounds that still need to heal. This all sounds discouraging but I’m hoping to encourage folks to search for a therapist in spite of these obstacles because I firmly believe focusing on your mental health is one of the most important personal investments you can make. If you are struggling with finding your peace, ask for help, and keep asking until you find the help you need.

There are numerous online directories connecting people with mental health professionals. My listing can be found on Psychology Today. Please read through my profile and take the time to search through the many other therapist listings. If you are interested in finding out more about me or how I work with clients, please send me an email at [email protected] and we can schedule a 20-minute free consultation.